Chamber Luncheons
Chamber luncheons are held five times per year, typically on the first Wednesday of the month, in February, March, May, September and November from 11:30 to 1:30 pm. The format allows for time to network before and during lunch followed by a speaker presentation after lunch. Members are encouraged to exchange cards and be sure they meet everyone seated around their table. New members also have the opportunity to be introduced to the attendees and are able to do a brief overview about their business as they receive their M-T Chamber plaque.
Speakers vary and include such topics as: engaging business success stories; important updates on current issues and initiatives in our community or the metro Milwaukee area; political experts giving insights on upcoming major elections; and local celebrities or representatives from the area major Sports teams such as the Brewers and the Milwaukee Bucks sharing personal stories or the status of their teams. The Annual State of the Community luncheon is held in March and features the City of Mequon Mayor, Village of Thiensville President and the Mequon-Thiensville School Superintendent.
This is a popular and long established program for the M-T Chamber. The fee is $35.00 for members to attend.
ONCE stands for Ozaukee County Network Exchange. It is a county-wide networking program scheduled four times per year. It is typically held on the last Wednesday of the month in February, April, August and October, sometimes alternating between a lunch and breakfast format. The luncheon programs are from 11:30 am to 1:00 pm and the breakfast programs from 7:30 – 9:00 am. Members from the M-T Chamber have the opportunity to connect with business contacts from Cedarburg, Grafton, Port Washington and Saukville Chambers of Commerce. The structured format includes joining others for a full breakfast or lunch that is followed by each participant giving a 30-second business introduction and overview to promote their business. Brochures and materials can be placed on and information table and referred to during the individual messages. One attendee is selected by a drawing at the prior meeting to give a 5-minute presentation. The member fee to attend is $25.00; non-member $35.00.
Face2Face Networking Breakfast
Attending Face2Face is a great way to establish and build relationships with other M-T Chamber members and broaden your referral base. This informal networking session is only open to members of the Mequon-Thiensville Chamber. Members can familiarize each other about their businesses in a casual, semi-structured format which involves breaking up into small round table groups of six to give more in-depth business overviews and distribute business cards. Business introductions are followed by an exchange of ideas and discussion of a selected business topic. The program is held three times per year and is to be determined in January, March and July from 8:00 - 9:15 am. The format may include a light breakfast and laughter.
Member Orientation Sessions
The Mequon-Thiensville Chamber of Commerce holds member orientation sessions facilitated by our Chamber Ambassadors two to four times per year. Members can learn more about the chamber programs and how to maximize their memberships as well as becoming familiarized with the member portal available through the interactive chamber website. The sessions will cover: managing and enhancing your webpage on the M-T Chamber business directory; posting an event on the Chamber website calendar; creating and posting "Hot Deal" special offers and other News; Community Gift Certificate Program participation; Committee involvement opportunities; and additional marketing opportunities.
Young Professionals Programs
The Mequon-Thiensville Young Professionals is a networking group for professionals in the first phase of their career who are looking to develop professionally and build long-lasting relationships with other professionals in Ozaukee County and the surrounding area. Events are coordinated with an under-forty-years-of-age-demographic in mind and often serve as the "first" preview of networking and Chamber programs. Member Businesses are encouraged to sign up their young professionals when events arise. Events are held at various times through out the year.
Annual Holiday Party
M-T Chamber members are invited to celebrate the joy of the season along with their spouse, associates and guests in a fun and festive atmosphere. Mingle while enjoying hors d’oeuvres, beverages, music and more.