I've worked ALL HOURS of the day throughout my career...whatever it takes to get the job done, WELL!
Gifford Video helps small to medium sized businesses with their video needs: website, social media, trade-show loops, training, presentations, email blasts, holiday greetings, etc. Consumers almost double their time on your website if you use video. But if the video is produced poorly, 62% of them have a negative perception of your brand. It's most important to have a laser-focused message and keep the video interesting and entertaining. This is exactly what I've done for more than 30 years in the TV News industry.
I've been blessed with a vast variety of experience and find that's what helps me connect and promote many different businesses. The process starts with a conversation, listening, planning, executing, and celebrating. We consider your goals, target audience, where the video will live, budget, timeline, and more. Five Billion videos are viewed on YouTube every do you stand out? Modernize your marketing efforts with videos from Gifford Video.
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6331 W. Mequon Road, Mequon, WI 53092 – (262) 512-9358 –